Civic Character > Effective Contributors
1. Look at the qualities in the box, rank these in the order that best describe you, with No. 1 being your strongest quality.
2. Select the quality you ranked No. 1 and write a short statement that explains the quality that best describes you. Provide an example of how you display it in everyday life.
3. Select the quality you most need to work on and write a short statement that explains the quality. Provide an example of what you can do to work on improving that quality in everyday life.
Co-operative I am willing to assist others with anything they need or have difficulty with.
Respectful I am polite and courteous to others.
Enterprising I am good at thinking and doing new and difficult things that haven’t been done.
Generous I am willing to give more to the cause than is necessary.
Principled I always behave in the correct way and know right from wrong.
Committed I am willing to give my time and energy to a task until I complete it.
Responsible I can take control of situations and tasks, I can be held accountable for different duties and other people’s care.